The who lives in the deepest of the castle._後編 Author ROCKZOU Date 09/13/2024 「Dusho, Dusho, what’s wrong? Pull yourself together!」 A familiar voice… Dusho slowly wakes up...
The who lives in the deepest of the castle._前編 Author ROCKZOU Date 09/07/2024 「姫路城 / Himeji-jo(Himeji Castle)」 (Hyogo Prefecture), a popular Japanese castle among overseas visitors. It is...
Flying Rice stock house – part.2 Author ROCKZOU Date 07/29/2024 Whatever you do, do not allow evil thoughts to enter into it. It may...
Flying Rice stock house – part.1 Author ROCKZOU Date 07/20/2024 First things first. This is not an ‘A●azonStore service’ planned for the future. Why...
Do toads croak to become medicine? – part.2 Author ROCKZOU Date 05/21/2024 Now, why was this strange medicine ‘toad’s oil’ created in the Edo period in...
Do toads croak to become medicine? – part.1 Author ROCKZOU Date 05/18/2024 「さぁさぁ さてもお立ち会い 御用とお急ぎでなかりしば ごゆるりと聞かれたし・・」 「一枚が二枚、二枚が四枚、四枚が八枚・・これこのとおり」 ↓ 「Now, now, now, my dear, if you are not...